Fiduciary Audit Package


MBC Investment Consulting, Inc., offers plan sponsor fiduciaries (known as Investment Stewards) one of the most extensive protections plans available in the market. Our co-fiduciary offering is unique in the industry because it meets the highest level of fiduciary standards. Its solutions help ensure fiduciary standards through the effective use of investment committee training, plan governance, provider monitoring, and electronic document storage.

Fiduciary Oversight
Investment stewards wear many professional hats. And while they may spend the least amount of their working life on retirement plan issues, their fiduciary role possesses the most significant amount of personal risk in the corporate arena. Inundated with primary job functions, finance and human resources executives lament their lack of time and tools to fulfill their fiduciary accountabilities, with a high level of assurance and protection. This uncertainty is the main cause of their concern towards their personal liability as a fiduciary.

To meet this void, MBC Investment Consulting, Inc., offers a fiduciary oversight program that delivers protection and ensures excellence in plan management through independent governance and monitoring. MBC Investment Consulting, Inc., offers the fiduciary oversight program to its member advisors’ plan sponsor clients.

Under this program, MBC Investment Consulting, Inc.’s clients satisfy the following fiduciary functions with an uncompromised level of assurance:

  1. Demonstrate prudence through a document trail;
  2. Understand the key factors around investment management decision making;
  3. Adhere to the plan document and the committees’ investment strategies;
  4. Avoid conflicts of interest;
  5. Monitor service providers according to the new global benchmarks of fiduciary excellence.

Why plan sponsors use our fiduciary oversight program:

Easy to Use
Fiduciary functions are managed effectively through a written co-fiduciary arrangement. With our program you save time, reduce personal risk, and gain access to critical fiduciary tools.

Document Decisions
Managed within a protected fiduciary document solution, investment committees can demonstrate ERISA’s prudence requirements through a trail of informed decisions. With a point and click, fiduciaries can evidence their investment rationale and map key decisions to the plan’s guiding documents.

Continuity of Conduct
We ensure a high level of continuity in the event of investment committee turnover. Our fiduciary oversight program preserves the integrity of past decisions and provides effective succession for future fiduciary governance.

Clarify Roles and Responsibilities
We help investment committees align internal responsibilities and benchmark the services of operational platform providers such as administrators, record keepers, custodians, and investment managers.